About Us
Welcome to the official website of the Traffic Engineering and Safety (TES) Conference. The TES Conference is the premier meeting in the Midwest region for transportation and safety professionals to network with colleagues and clients, discuss ideas and issues with experts, gain job-related knowledge and know-how, and renew sense of professional purpose. A diverse group of your peers from local, state, and federal agencies, consulting and contracting firms, and university faculty and students attend this conference. Attendees can receive up to 15 Professional Development Hours.
The 74th Annual Illinois Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference will be in-person October 22 and 23, 2025 at the I Hotel & Conference Center.
If you would like to be included in the TES mailing list, please contact Megan Everette at meganev@illinois.edu or 217-333-9672.
Conference Committee
- Kyle Armstrong, IDOT Bureau of Operations
- Ray Benekohal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of CEE
- John Bogues, IL Section, American Traffic Safety Services Association
- Tom Brengel, Illinois State Police
- Abraham Emmanuel, Chicago Department of Transportation
- Doug Keirn, IL Association of Highway Engineers
- Darin Koelm, Illinois Association of County Engineers
- Katelyn Hacker, IL Section, Institute of Transportation Engineers
- Alan Ho, Federal Highway Administration, IL Division
- Scott Lee, ITS Midwest
- Adam Lintner, Illinois Tollway
- Doug Pershall, IMSA
- Stephane B. Seck, IDOT Bureau of Safety Programs & Engineering

Rahim (Ray) F. Benekohal, PhD
TES Conference Director